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Free 2 Use at WebWiser.comWelcome to WebWiser's section for FREE web graphics and other web resources that you can use on YOUR web site.

What's the catch?
Nothing -- These are FREE images and resources found on the Internet and circulated within emails.  Most of our images have been submitted by other websites and visitors.  To the best of our knowledge, all images belong to the public domain, are copyright-free and royalty-free, OR are rightfully noted otherwise.

Who can use these graphics?
Anyone with a web site using html software - Anyone who wants to add a graphic to their email - Anyone with a graphic software program that needs cartoons, text, or other assistance - Anyone with a computer desktop who would like to change their background - and any where else - the possibilities are endless!

How do I find graphics and animation?
To navigate our site start with the menu above, pick a category, find quick links within each section on the sidebar, and go through the pages to select the type of animation, web buttons -bars -etc, graphics, or other resources that you want to review and use.  An onsite search will be available soon.

Can you help me with How-to Instructions?
Yes - We have instructions on how to copy and paste, download to your computer, insert in a web page, and suggested software to assist you.  Go to HELP...

Note: You MUST SAVE the graphics to your own computer! Do NOT link to any graphics on this site! You will need to put the image files on your own web host.

click for MS Escher art hereSubmit Your Graphics to WebWiser -

Click here We are always looking for NEW web graphic that may be offered to our visitors for FREE - 
If you have a web site that offers copyright-free & royalty-free images and other resources that our viewers may find useful, please contact us.  Go to our Link section for additional information.

Do you need a UNIQUE look?

Click here WebWiser will create a unique customized graphic for your company or personal site's requirements.  Our customization fees are affordable.  Go to our Main area for Design info and examples.

Webmasters ::: 
We offer exclusive links, affiliate information to make money on your sites and more... Click here Take a look at this offer!

Quick Navigation

Click here WEBWISER: Main Area for Web Site Design/ Development, How-to Steps, and much more!

Click here NET HELP: 
Internet Education and Tips.

Click here TEMPLATES: Custom Design Web Pages to use now.

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WebWiser Inc. specializes in web site customization, maintenance, and graphics
for companies and individuals across the United States and around the World.

Site Content Protected Under International and U.S. Copyright Laws.  WebWiser is a Trademark of WebWiser Incorporated since 1998.
All other trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. Please read our
Legal section.

This site is best viewed using IExplorer 4+, Netscape 6+, or a newer browser for use with javascript, ccs, and other multimedia capabilities.
Please GO TO WebWiser's Internet Aid area for information on Upgrading your Browser.

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so the JavaScript-based news flash, time, bookmark, copyright, menus used to navigate this site, 
and many other features will not function. Please take a moment, click here to go to a page
 with information on how to proceed for non-JavaScript and better enable you to experience this web site.  Thank you!