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OTHER FREE WEB RESOURCES - Other programs to assist you with your web graphics and web pages...

What's the catch?
Nothing -- These are FREE images and resources found on the Internet and circulated within emails.  Most of our images have been submitted by other websites and visitors.  To the best of our knowledge, all images belong to the public domain, are copyright-free and royalty-free, OR are rightfully noted otherwise.

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How do I find graphics and animation?
To navigate our site start with the menu above, pick a category, find quick links within each section on the sidebar, and go through the pages to select the type of animation, web buttons -bars -etc, graphics, or other resources that you want to review and use.  An onsite search will be available soon.

Can you help me with How-to Instructions?
Yes - We have instructions on how to copy and paste, download to your computer, insert in a web page, and suggested software to assist you.  Go to HELP...

Submit Your Graphics to WebWiser -

Click here We are always looking for NEW web graphic that may be offered to our visitors for FREE - 
If you have a web site that offers copyright-free & royalty-free images and other resources that our viewers may find useful, please contact us.  Go to our Link section for additional information.

Do you need a UNIQUE look?

Click here WebWiser will create a unique customized graphic for your company or personal site's requirements.  Our customization fees are affordable.  Go to our Main area for Design info and examples.

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Join WebWiser

Click hereLink YOUR web site within WebWiser's Free2Use Link Directory.  Pick a category that fits your web site's description, and submit your site & free graphic or web resource information. Rules apply...

Click hereLink to WebWiser.com by adding one of our graphic banners to your web pages.

Reciprocal links are most welcome!  ~ Thank you!

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